About Us

The Southern African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (SAVCA) is a non-profit industry association, representing over 200 members in Southern Africa, who collectively manage in excess of R213bn in assets.

SAVCA promotes Southern African private equity and venture capital by engaging with regulators and legislators on a range of matters affecting the industry; providing relevant and insightful thought leadership and research on aspects that impact the industry; offering training and capacity building opportunities to stakeholders in the ecosystem; and by creating meaningful networking opportunities for industry players, investors and capital seekers.

The association plays a meaningful role in the sector by:

Promoting the private equity and venture capital profession and industry in Southern Africa;
Conducting topical research;
Publishing thought leadership;
Offering relevant training and capacity building opportunities;
Hosting networking and related events;
Engaging in regulatory lobbying and advocacy on behalf of our members and the industry;
Supporting the transformation of the industry; and
Providing guidelines and standards for the industry.